"You go girl" Kathy is a very out going young woman. She just turned 15 this year and has guys lined up to go out with her, even though she can't start dating until she is 16. "Victorrrrria" Although she is not a Spice Girl, she does a pretty mean impression of one. One of her favorite past times is watching funny movies and continuously quoting lines at just the right time to bring a laugh or a smile to the entire room. (Above right) "Work it baby!" Below is a series of photos where Kathy shows her ability to work a in front of a camera. Do I see a modeling career on the horizon?
Certainly not camera shy. This year Kathy showed her athletic prowess by lettering in cross country track her first year out. She will be a sophomore next year and is sure to do better year after year. Kathy is also very active in her church by serving her fellow church members whenever there is an opportunity for her and others her age to help.